Overcoming Procrastination – STOP Putting Things Off!

The Art of Getting Things Done Now

Join me for this interactive coaching workshop which will help you to understand the deeper reasons why people procrastinate and what you can do about it!

Are you having trouble staying motivated? Do you delay starting your tasks to the last minute? Feel like there’s never enough time in your day? Do you feel overwhelmed and/or stressed all the time about it which makes you feeling guilty and procrastinate more?

In this interactive coaching webinar, you are going to learn:

Learn about three most common ways people procrastination in, and which of those you may exhibit, and
Learn about deeper reasons why people procrastinate and which of those might cause you to procrastinate, and
Specific, effective strategies for you to call upon when you feel like procrastinating.

The objective to this workshop is to share some different strategies for overcoming your procrastination on a daily basis while understanding what is actually holding you back, and take away practical tips to help you enjoy your day more, be better organized and get down to work without getting stuck – while feeling better about yourself!

Presenter: Svetlana Stankic, Certified Strategic Intervention Life Coach and Advanced Relationship Coach, using effective coaching strategies to help women find solutions in life where they want greater results and more fulfillment (in private life, career, relationships, family and/or health) and turn their dreams and goals into genuine accomplishments. You can contact her at Svetlana@newZest4Life.com.

Please RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/overcoming-procrastination-stop-putting-things-off-tickets-54543118937

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