Everything we do Starts with MOTIVATION

In this workshop, we will explore what motivation means to us, and why its important.
We will learn how to get motivated by connecting our values to our goals.
We will also talk about strategies for staying motivated when things get hard.

Brought to you my Bare Slate Inc.

Bare Slate Inc. founded by Laura Moon, is a consortium of consultants working together for a common goal.

We see the need to help businesses in Canada thrive as they develop new strategies to stay ahead of the changing times. We know what it takes for a business to succeed – from every angle. As a team, Bare Slate effects change.

Our collective years of experience and knowledge is a game changer for any professional wanting to grow. Our compassion, expertise and drive makes us break through barriers for growth.

Please RSVP https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/everything-we-do-starts-with-motivation-tickets-63491809712

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